Test Methods


Elongation at break


Evaluation of the elongation of the carrier of the tape when stretched till break.
Test method: AFERA 5004


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Tensile Strength


Evaluation of the load that causes the break of the carrier of the tape.

Test method AFERA 5001


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PEEL 180°


Evaluation of the linear adhesiveness by measuring the strength necessary to remove the tape from a surface.
Testing method: AFERA 5001


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Static Shear


Evaluation of the adhesive cohesion by measuring the time necessary to the tape to slip away from a surface when charged with a a vertical weight.
Testing method:  AFERA 5012


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Rolling ball tack


Evaluation of the istantaneous adhesive capacity (tack) by measuring the distance travelled by a ball on the surface of the tape.

Testing method: PSTC 6


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Loop tack (Quick stick)


Evaluation of the istantaneous adhesive capacity (tack) by measuring the strength necessary to remove the tape from a surface onto which has been applied without significative pressure.
Testing method: PSTC 16


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